Thursday, January 28, 2010

New and new-ish things I like

Tom Dixon 'Beat' pendants
West Elm side tables
Vava lamp from Ikea

Console desk from [yet again] Ikea
West Elm Geo table

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Damn you Craigslist...

Don't you know I can't be buying more crap?? But...found this swank fiberglass chair with aluminum base [which I've only seen a few examples of]. can be mine


So, I picked up the Docksta table and [Ikea, not West Elm but still decent] chairs last night - I think will look way fab in the new place...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And yet I'm still shopping...

My place is in disarray, but saw this on Craigslist. Afterall, I am going to need dining room furniture - Ikea Docksta and what looks like older West Elm chairs? We'll see - checking it out after work...


New year, new decade, new apartment... ugh - change. A long time ago an acquaintance once cheerily said to me 'change is growth, and growth is good!'. Yeah, ok...I'm trying to embrace it. I'm just in that limbo stage between the move - boxes and crap everywhere and my pups are all like 'wtf??'. But when all is done I keep telling myself I will have a new and larger modern place to decorate! But visions of minimalism are pretty much shot right now as I sit amongst a shit-ton of accumulation.... Random yet orderly interiors to keep me focused:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm in...

Well, as everyone knows, moving sucks. But when you are going to a fabulous location, it certainly less-sucks. Packing sucks too, but not as bad - at least you get a chance to weed out all the useless crap. And that is my goal - I hadn't planned on moving any time soon as I've been saving for a little modern home somewhere. But, change is growth and growth is good. Certainly will be saving less as this fab new place ain't coming cheap - but, dammit, I'm worth it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Eviction 2010

Can you say 'stress' ?? I haven't posted on here in a few days as I've been crazy stressed about finding a new apartment [which, of course, must meet my snobby stylish needs]. My current condo complex owners decided to kick all us renters out and remodel/sell all the non-owned units. Whatever... Anyway, I have 60 days [57 now] to find a place. This is the current front runner and I should know by today:

Designed by local architect Jonathan Segal, it is just amazingly gorgeous. I currently live in one of his older loft buildings in downtown San Diego:

Friday, January 8, 2010


Offi Mag table...$8 thrifty SCORE! Doh...still no camera.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


My gorgeous upholstered Eames shell chair is now perfectly mated with a reproduction low rod base - love, love LOVE! But, alas, I loaned my camera to the bf so no pics yet... Also, more crazy thrifty pics coming...

I have a set of Eames wire chairs which, believe it or not, I picked up at a thrift store for $5 each [don't hate]. All in decent vintage condition and look like this:

But I'm thinking of taking two of them and transforming them into this:

Monday, January 4, 2010

Still waiting...

Well, finally back to work and was hoping the base I ordered would be waiting for me at the office...but no. Maybe today... For fun, here's one in brown:

But I was also thinking of the rocker base:

Speaking of rockers, so in love with this one - the 'Buttercup' from Blu Dot. The one I saw in the showroom was very scratched from people sitting...that would make me sad:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hello lover...

Well look who's here! And just plain gorgeous!! Arrived a bit scrappy, but with a little spa treatment, she's as sexy as day one [pic shows weird crotch wear, but just a shadow]. Now, just waiting for the low rod base [hopefully sitting at my office!].