Monday, February 8, 2010

New sofa

So, I went back and forth on several sofa's for my new place - all of which had to meet the criteria of being modern and able to fit thru my funky front door landing [ugh]. I had to give up my coveted sofa in sexy dark grey fabric. Oh well - after 3 days of mourning and everyone telling me to f'n get over it, it went to a good home. I spent most of last week searching for just the right one and found several - all of which would either not fit or be very close. Not wanting to deal with those issues right now, I decided to get something temporary as I am very much a 'want it/want it now' kind of person. So, until I find just the right one, I bought this one:
It's the Sater from Ikea. I've never been a big fan of their sofas, but I just love the lines of this one. It's super comfortable and seems well made. And at $399 it was well worth it. Or was it?? Time will tell...