Monday, March 22, 2010

New addition...

Well, here she is - my new aquisition: the fabulously fake Selig Lounge/Eames 670 knock-off. Of course an original is disgustingly out of reach [for me anyway] and I was inches away from buying another gorgeous knock-off at Hold It in San Diego [$1500-ish] over the weekend until I came to my senses. I did some research on this faker and although the new reproduction was sweet, this one is more up my alley. My goal is to take her down this road...
But for now, I will enjoy her [and her matching foot rest] as is...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

670 Selig knock-off

So, a friend is offering this decent knock-off [not this one, but identical and in excellent condition] to me at a fair price...only to fund HIS chair addiction. I think I may take him up on it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My new coffee table

Long and low - Origana coffee table from Plummers

Random smartness...

I stumbled upon these sofa's from $699 - wtf??! $1099 for leather...
Whatever...still like my Sater from Ikea.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

And I need another chair why?

Who cares, that's why. Checked out this little minx after work. We met on craigslist...I love her. Needs a little TLC but so do I. She's mine tomorrow!