Friday, July 23, 2010

GW Lamp

Did a quick Goodwill drive-by after work today and picked up this lamp. Really just wanted the vintage-y shade that is on it. The base is a teal acrylic - wtf? Who made those?? Anyway, the shade looks/feels way older but is in great shape. Will keep paired for now, but seriously - teal?? Hmmm...kinda growing on me. Perhaps teal will be the next 'it' color again and I will be ahead of the curve? So 1998...

Hi-Fi update

Well, I couldn't get the turntable to function properly so I removed it and am taking it in for repairs. Fred at Classic Audio Repair in San Diego patiently walked me through removing the unit [over the phone!] so I could bring it in. I had no clue as to how to remove it but he was spot on with how to get it out properly. So, it's off to him tomorrow and hopefully won't cost too much more than I paid for it.
And now I know why the FM Stereo wasn't working - no multipex adapter! [but there is a dead spider]
Apparently back then, since FM stereo was not widely broadcast, stereo consoles were manufactured without the multiplex adaptor included and you could add the unit at a later date or at date of purchase I suppose. I believe my chances are pretty slim on finding one, but I'll try.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hi-fi fabuous!

Got this swank little vintage Bradford stereo console off of craigslist this weekend from the sweetest couple:
It belonged to one of the girls' grandmothers who bought it new in 1963. It was purchased from a W.T. Grants store which was a discount department store back in the day - I remember there was one in my hometown back east. The brand name is 'Bradford' which was the company name for their electronics. It's a great size, only 43x28x12, so it's fairly compact but still considered a console. I spent about 2 hours detailing it and it looks great. All tubes in this console so it has a cool, mellow sound. And I love how it takes a good 30 seconds to 'warm up' - man does that bring back memories! It is complete and fully functional [turntable is being a little fussy, tho]- more than I can say about the high-end consoles I had been looking at for $100s more. I purchased this one for $60. It obviously was well taken care of. It may have been from the low end of the retail spectrum but it's still plugging along...

Now, have a listen below and on YouTube:

Friday, July 16, 2010

One more try...

Love it, but not in love with it like the others...winning bid for now. We'll see...

[7/20/10 fyi didn't win - guess I'm not meant to have one]

Monday, July 12, 2010

I hate ebay...

Just out bid on both of these fab tension pole lamps on ebay. Damn - I really wanted at least one of them. Oh well - next time.

Super Sterling!

Who the F needs a typewriter these days? Well, for $2 dollars - me! Originally was $5 so I put it back but the nice thrift store lady said 'just take the damn thing for $2'! So I did - the condition [as well as color!] are mint. From what I can find out it is a 1964 Smith-Corona Super Sterling. What the hell - it's been a good conversation piece.

Flor tile score

Shit day at work = stop at thrift store to unwind. Scored 6 new Flor carpet tiles for .99 each. Not bad... Also got a brand new white drum shade for a mere $3. Made my day...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

New stuff...

I know - don't need it but it's a 'Lee Harvey Original by Maddox' the tag says. Seems like an odd name as the chair was manufactured in Texas. You would think nothing from that location and era would want to be associated with 'Lee Harvey' anything. It has a cool danish look to it and I cannot find any information on it. From 1966 - has a few wear marks but it's off to the upholsterors soon... Got it at Atomic Bazaar in San Diego. Also picked up this cool tea set from Ross of all places [don't need this either but was only $10!] that has a kind of mid century/Eva Zeisel vibe going on:

Friday, July 2, 2010

Updated vintage lamp

Here's the lamp I got last weekend. Took it completly apart and gave it a few coats of flat black [to cover the ugly yellow], rewired it and thru on a cool vintage double shade [parchment inner shade with a darker outer shade. Turned out not so bad...