Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Space dividers...

As I was saying, I'm obsessing with space/room dividers. I have the perfect spot for one but I am very particular to say the least [!]. I want something from Erwin Hauer or Richard Harvey but of course anything close is disgustingly expensive. I'd been searching for something vintage, so it didn't occur to me to just design/construct one myself. That is the plan for now...
Richard Harvey room divider [so want...exactly but is about $2000]
Vintage tension pole space divider [would totally settle for this if i can find one]. Probably sold at discount department stores back in the day


  1. Please note that the designer of the item you reference is NOT Donald Harvey. Those items were designed by Richard "Dick" Harvey. Full history and details here:

    1. Thank you for the clarification. I will replace with the link you provided. It is attributed to 'Don' Harvey on the page I linked to...
